A further theme in Deuteronomy is the fact that the covenant concept entails the idea that each generation of Israelites understand itself as having been bound with God in the original covenant.
And so, we have it bound with the book, always, now.
My ego, I hope, is not bound up with the status of being at Princeton or Yale or Berkeley.
Another Canaanite group, the Gibeonites, trick the Israelites into making a covenant with them, and it is a covenant the Israelites then feel bound to observe.
All the energies are negative because it is a bound system. I start up here with n equals one.
Now that I've gotten that bound as a name, I could go in and do things with that.
The circuitous, logical route that we had to take in order to arrive at this new sense of Satan's size has everything to do with our status as temporally bound, temporally constrained readers.
For Plato, it would seem, the study of politics was always bound up with deeply philosophical and speculative questions, questions of metaphysics, questions of the structure of the cosmos.
When this bound receptor interacts with DNA it could, for example, turn on expression of a target gene.
It really was just, even as a physical object, all bound up with the politics of its moment.
The sky, the world above, is really bound up with the world below.
But it was not something that I thought and it was not something that my ego was really bound up with.