And so, from the study of brain damage and the study of— we can gain some understanding of what different parts of the brain do.
And So, people study brain damages— brain damage that implicates motor control such as apraxia.
There are exceptions, but the exceptions come about due to some sort of brain damage.
You can take a lot of brain damage and still preserve some mental functioning.
The issue of psychopathy, of people who, either due to brain damage or because they are born that way, have no moral understanding, can help us cope with questions of free will and responsibility; of the relationship or difference between mental illness and evil.
There are other cases like Phineas Gage, cases where people have had damage to that same part of the brain, parts of the frontal cortex.
For one thing, the brain is highly resistant to damage.
To some interesting sense, there's some sort of damage resistance built in to the brain that allows different parts of the brain to take over if some parts are damaged.
A patient who had damage to part of his brain and can only say one word, "Tan," and the person would say, "Tan, tan, tan, tan," and everything else was gone.
And what a case like this, where somebody is in a coma, is without consciousness as a result of damage to the brain, is a stark illustration of the physical nature of mental life.
Other disorders that we'll discuss later on include acquired psychopathy, where damage to parts of your brain, particularly related to the frontal lobes, rob you of the ability to tell right from wrong.
And the logic is if you find somebody-- Crudely, if you find somebody with damage to this part of the brain right here and that person can't recognize faces for instance, there's some reason to believe that this part of the brain is related to face recognition.