As long as it's reversible, you know what the efficiency has to be, and in principle, you could break it down into a bunch of steps that you could formulate as isothermal and adiabatic.
The word "carbohydrate," as you might imagine, if you ever thought to break it down means the combination of carbon and water.
Well, break it down into pieces. Suppose x is positive. Does it terminate? Sure. All right?
If we take hydrogen peroxide in the liquid state, it can break down to form water and oxygen.
What does that mean? Well, it means that, you know, there's maybe, let's say, that in the next 24 hours it will break down.
这意味着什么 好的,这意味着,就是说,有可能,这个原子会在未来的二十四小时内分裂
Formaldehyde cross-links proteins, so, if you treated this virus with Formaldehyde, even it was able to enter a cell, it couldn't break down anymore.
But it is a very handy way of thinking about, not just how to program, but how to break problems down into nice sized chunks.
What's the point of this? Again, now that I can think about things recursively, I can similarly break things down into simpler versions of the same problem. It could be one version.
Now, according to quantum mechanics under the standard interpretation, that's all there is to say about it. You have an atom like that, 80 percent chance in the next 24 hours it will break down.
Suppose it does break down!
That tells you something about the physical chemistry of the molecule; that it's these hydrogen bonds that hold the double strands and I can break those down under certain conditions.