I can take a heat pack, like the kind you buy at a pharmacy. Break it up. It gets hot.
I have yet to show you the solution to a wave function for the hydrogen atom, so let me do that here, and then we'll build back up to probability densities, and it turns out that if we're talking about any wave function, we can actually break it up into two components, which are called the radial wave function and angular wave function.
That's what you need for a phalanx, because to maintain the integrity of the hoplite line, you can't have bumps and grooves, and trees and rivers in the way; it will break things up.
or at least one mechanism, I shouldn't say -- the only one-- one mechanism for doing that is going to be to add functions is that it's going to provide both of these things, so the first thing it's going to do is, it's going to let us break up into modules.
So when we write that out, we just write sigma 1 s squared, or we can break it up into its individual parts, there's no reason we can't do that as well.
For example, in terms of the atomic theory of matter, at the time at the turn of the Century, the understanding was that atoms were the most basic constituent of matter, meaning you couldn't break atoms up into anything smaller - that was it, you're done.
You know, one famous tactic is--if you have an infantry force coming forward, you send tanks in it to break up the line of the infantry, so that you can defeat the infantry in that way.