Methane, there are certainly some solid bonds there, but breaking those to form CO2 and water, well it's worth it, right, energetically.
and the cats were running out from under the bed and things breaking.
And details aside,death is a matter of the body breaking, so that it's no longer able to engage in P-functioning.
So we can do this essentially for any atom we want, we just have more and more wave functions that we're breaking it up to as we get to more and more electrons.
It's a way of breaking the code up into modules. Modules that makes sense on their own. Modules that we can reuse in multiple places. Modules that, if you like, Isolate components of the process.
breaking down maybe, crashing, coming back to earth like Icarus, the over-reacher.
While the New Critics, in a variety of ways, insist that form is meaning, form is content and so on, they're still not really breaking down the distinction between form and content.
And yet, their subconscious mind limited them, prevented them from breaking that barrier that happened to be not a physical barrier as doctors, physiologists and scientists had claimed.
The breaking of so much as a single law constitutes the essence of anarchy, constitutes the essence of lawlessness, it is a far-reaching argument for obedience to the law.
Here, from the Austrian National library where I was last summer photographing and having a wonderful time, is the last page of the Mozart -that Mozart ever wrote here. This is the "Lacrimosa, " and sort of breaking off--and he doesn't finish this particular movement.
If you multiply her, then you want to have as much depth to fill in behind to close that hole as you can, so that that would make your phalanx more sturdy, because you could take more casualties without breaking, that seems reasonable to me.
That would that would give rise to a perpetual motion machine, breaking of the second law. It can't happen.
If you get some of these in the upper atmosphere, a photon, an ultraviolet photon, has the energy capable of breaking this bond.
Then he said, "Let me go, for dawn is breaking." But he answered, "I will not let you go, unless you bless me." Said the other, "What is your name?"
Now, we're going to go back to Roger Ibbotson at the School of Management. He did some path breaking work in terms of describing capital markets returns over reasonably long periods of time.
and breaking a sweat for 40 minutes, 60 minutes a day.