If our estimates are off then the hypothesis makes no sense, so maybe there's no relationship between dietary fat and breast cancer.
An important idea, to be sure, breast cancer a major killer, a major concern to women.
One of the hypotheses that was being tested in this particular study was that a low-fat diet would reduce a woman's risk for breast cancer.
Women became very upset about this and advocacy groups like the breast cancer advocacy groups got involved and really pressured the government to do more studies on women.
On one axis you have dietary fat, the other you have how much-- in fact I should have brought the graph but I didn't-- how much breast cancer there is in the society.
But the hypothesis was based on this association more or less, that looked at the rates of breast cancer across different countries and how much dietary fat those countries consumed and so you get a nice little scatter plot.
So tens or hundreds of millions of dollars would go into a study like this by the time it was completed, money that could have been used for other things, to test whether eating a low fat diet would reduce risk for breast cancer.
As I mentioned before is one example on the risk for breast cancer in women, so you'd randomly assign half to following their usual diet, the other half to an intervention program where people are prescribed a low fact diet, given counseling and interventions from dieticians and things, and then you look to see what happens for risk as people go forward in time.