A very important element, he would have had a breast plate made of bronze, perhaps as much as 40 pounds.
It's a spear that you thrust and it's got a bronze point, which is the business end of the weapon.
Some of the sites that are said to be destroyed by Joshua and the Israelites weren't even occupied in this period, ; the late Bronze Age, beginning of the Iron Age; the Iron Age begins around 1200.
And finally, Barry Strauss says, "Ironically, the more Homer exaggerates, the more authentic he is as a representative of the Bronze Age."
So barring that, nonetheless, what we see reminds us very much of these ancient Bronze Age early civilizations.
If I strike you in a vulnerable place with a stick that has a bronze butt on it, it could well kill you.
It is a Bronze Age culture, and it is the first civilization we know in the area.
I said bronze, but actually the tip was usually iron, but it could be bronze as well.
Well, we begin our story with the emergence of the Bronze Age in the Aegean Sea area.
He would have snapped across his shins, greaves, sort of like the shin guards that a catcher in baseball wears, also made of bronze.
Well, Homer has his heroes using chariots and we know that chariots were used in warfare in the Bronze Age around the Mediterranean Sea.
In addition, it had a butt made also of bronze, which could be a lethal weapon.
Was it the world that succeeded that Bronze Age that we call the Dark Ages?
And apparently that is the way you use chariots in ancient Bronze Age warfare.
From time to time, they wandered to Egypt or Mesopotamia often in search of pasture for their animals. And various details of their language, their customs, their laws, their religion, it's argued, seem to fit well into the period of the Late Bronze Age.
You have the destruction completely of the Mycenaean Bronze Age culture.