• What is the meaning of an untrodden way, or of "there are none to praise" her but "very few to love"?


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • Yeah, he's a good player. But a few years ago, one of the reasons that United bought that player,


    知道朴智星吗? - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • There's a few exceptions, but most things you can really grind on and certainly that was kind of the history of Microsoft in the early days.


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  • Some laws in Exodus,the Book of the Covenant,a few things--yes, it says Moses wrote those down, but not the whole five books that tradition later will ascribe to him.


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  • And I have actually seen evidence over the years, mercifully, just a small amount of evidence, but there are, in a group like this, always a few students who come in with a really strong background in high school.


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  • So journalists wrote about that they saw the thing but in fact very few of them actually did.


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  • But having a few pages of authoritative note do exist.


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  • I think they probably also invented a few things, but it was very,very characteristic of the Greeks to borrow from the cultures they encountered and to adapt them, to make them more useful for their own purposes and nothing could be clearer than the alphabet as an example of that.


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  • Hydrogenation is an interesting process and will bring us to the discussion of Trans fat in just a few minutes, but it's basically when you hydrogenate a food you are altering its chemical properties to take a soft fat and make it more solid.


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  • I don't know who's coming next class, or what but I'll set up a few minutes prior, at the beginning of the class, for people just to introduce themselves to the person next to them so they have some sort of resource in the class.


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  • So, give me two more minutes, I'm going to end, and a few of you, faces, I've heard this before, people that I know; but, I guess one reason why I'm in history--well, because I read a book a long time ago.


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  • PROFESSOR: All right, I'm hearing a little of both, but I'm very encouraged to hear quite a few people saying sigma.


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  • India has to try to keep a balance to sort of...relationship and... some areas, there will be competition and few areas there will be conflict but there are many areas of shared interest sort of economic interest and trade between India and China has growing quite significantly.


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  • Okay. So I don't go to a lot of parties but I have been to a few.


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  • But a few bits of jargon are going to be helpful in allowing the conversation to move forward and this is certainly one.


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  • But look at the end of the passage that I've just read, a few lines down. The doctrine that the Lady wishes to advance suddenly seems so absolutely not to be a doctrine of married chastity.


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