I think you may have defined it already, but I couldn't find a definition of strictly in the book we have.
I couldn't quite hear, but I have a feeling everyone said 870 electron volts.
I'm sure he will stop eating too much sugar, but why couldn't you tell him this a month ago, ?" when I came all the way here?"
I guess they didn't have our language, they didn't-- they were intuitively halfway there but they couldn't express it, so I think the industry didn't get really started.
I couldn't and you couldn't either but lots of people have.
Normally I couldn't do that Vdp because this term would have p dV plus V dp, but we've specified the pressure is constant, so the dp part is zero.
I know you couldn't do the details, but you should at least know that it's i prime and j prime that have been replaced by i and j.
我知道你们不太注意细节,但你们至少应该知道 i' 和 j',已经被 i 和 j 取代了
So, let's just arbitrarily put it between these two in this case here, but actually there's no reason we couldn't also put it between oxygen b and c, so I'm going to draw another structure where we have it here.