In other words, the text is what makes the ascertainment of meaning possible and available to us, but meaning is not in the text.
In other words, of course the academicians and the Symbolists were obsessed with imagery, but that's not to say that a Russian formalist can't deal with imagery.
So, in other words, what happens if we put a bunch of elements, compounds into a reactor but they are not in the balanced amounts?
We should approach the book, in other words, not as we might a treatise, but as we might approach a work of literature or drama.
In other words, they couldn't just have named towns that used to be Mycenaean, but were still around, so that's why they knew them. No, some towns had disappeared, but the names of those towns show up in the catalog of ships.
In other words, banks may lend to you or to me re risky borrowers but they sell the mortgages to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac they get their money right then and there.
Indeed, in addition to finding him very difficult you've probably said, "Why does he have to write like that?" In other words, "Yeah, okay. He's difficult, but isn't he making it more difficult than it needs to be?"
In other words, Iser is no more an historicist than Gadamer is but insists rather on the mutual exchange of prejudice between the two horizons in question.
In other words, yeah, I still like it or don't like it, - but my liking has nothing to do either with desire or with approval-- moral, political, or however the case may be.
In other words, for Hobbes, authority and relations of authority do not arise naturally among us, but are rather, again, like civil science itself, the product of contrivance or art.
In other words, we should not care what people say about us, but we should be prepared to develop qualities of self-containment, autonomy and independence from the influence that others can exercise over us.
It's also that consciousness is alienated from its own underpinnings, that it doesn't have any clear sense of where it's coming from any more than what it's looking at: in other words, that consciousness is not only estranged from the world but that it is in and of itself inauthentic.
In other words, the poem is full of complexities, but who says they're being reconciled?
But is this right, in other words, ? is that really Plato's teaching?
In other words, he hoped to revive in some way the spirit of the ancients of antiquity, but to modify it in the lights of his own experience.
Here's the line that Homer writes, they live without the Greek word is nomoi, which we would translate as laws, but before they become laws they are the customary norms of society, in other words, civilization.
In other words, not Lorenzo at all, but precisely princes who have or will achieve their authority through their own guile, their own force, or their own virtu, to use the famous Machiavellian term that I want to talk about later.
He writes "The nations in cold locations particularly in Europe are filled with spiritedness." There is that platonic word again Thumos thumos are filled with thumos " "but lacking in discursive thought " lacking in the deliberative element in other words.