So the writer seems very determined to tell the story in a way that depicts God as acting not capriciously but according to certain clear standards of justice.
Well you can read the story, it's in Numbers 20, the incident is described there. But the answer is still not entirely clear, it's not clear what Moses did that was so bad as to deserve this punishment.
You might think the answer to that is no if we are physicalists but in fact it's not so clear the answer is no.
Smoking is a key example, it took America decades to mobilize after the catastrophic consequences smoking were clear, but when it did, American tobacco companies exploited overseas markets, particularly in the developing world.
I'm going to look sort of with some care at these passages - so all will become clear, but particularly in this: Sidney-- and I didn't exactly quote the passage in which Sidney does this - but I urged you to believe that he does-- Sidney actually ranks poetry somewhere between divinity and the other sciences.
But, at the same time, re represented in the world by an administration that had made absolutely clear t care what other countries think.
So, we approached this machine here, the photograph is a little blurry, but it was very clear to us but if you zoom in on the screen and apologies for the reflections, again, this was just taken with my cell phone, you see what appear to be three huge buttons and at the top it said something like have a Charlie Card, which may very well apply to a lot of locals.