I'm not going to do it for you, but what would I think about doing when I change the code?
If I do this and this but then I also put some other quotes inside, what's the computer potentially gonna think?
But it's giving me ideas of what to do in the class when tied into what I'm teaching as well.
He says,But because I'm a generous mad scientist, before I torture you,what I'm going to do is give you amnesia.
But if I want to do it all in one shot, what is the equivalent step I should take?
I think also what we're trying to build was not just this for America's sake, but I do think that we have the potential of offering an example, of how to do this well.
Partly to show you that it's kind of weird, but also to tell you that one of the things you want to do is exercise what I'm going to call some type discipline.
But what does he mean by or what do I mean by referring to his policies of abstention ? from political life?
I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it.
He goes back and redoes the calculation, only in this case he says what I am going to do is I am going to redo the calculation for helium, but I am going to consider not just the mass of the electron but the reduced mass of the system.
Well, in '26, the-- i've shorted the one-period bond and so I have to pay out one dollar, but that's exactly what I wanted to do.
6年 我卖空的一年期债券到期了,我需要偿还一美元,不过这恰是我要做的
But what do you- I want to know what you think. You defend them.
But just make sure everyone- do I need to explain what's going on here?
Now, that's not what queens do. I'm sure the Mycenaean queens didn't do that, but it's very, very interesting that that is what the Homeric queens do.
但王后不做这个 我肯定迈锡尼王后,不织布,但非常有趣的是,荷马史诗中的王后却在织布
But what I do want to say now is this.
And when asked about the pain he caused his victims he responded, "What do I care? I'm not her," which is logically correct but, in a sense, inhuman.