Oh--but if you can meet with our teaching fellows over there, they're gonna ask the legal department to see you next so Alright, I think we're all set.
But if it watches you over some amount of time just like it's been for years with advertisements, can this kind of algorithm, this kind of process presumably improve?
Now this isn't the first time in this course that I've paused over a moment at a crossroads where you can't possibly take both paths but where it is obviously very, very difficult to make up one's mind.
Now I don't know if you can read it because it's a little blurry, but a diet program that's been successful over two thousand years; can't beat that kind of a track record.
What Hicks said is that in these term structures, actually, I've just showed the one-period, he had one-period forward rate-- but you could do it over any combination and you can get forward rates of any maturity at any future date.
But we also saw it's a dangerous idea to take too literally: that sometimes this can get you to over think the problem and actually, as in that numbers game last time, the best choice, the winning choice, might not involve so many rounds.
There are a couple of copies of this on reserve in the music library and you can go over there inside of Sterling memorial Library and do the listening there if you want, but one way or another you've got to get a hold of this.
I'll let you just grok it but you can see it's basically doing what I did over there. Setting up two indices for the two sub-list,it's just walking down, finding the smallest element, putting it into a new list. When it gets to the end of one of the lists, it skips to the next part, and only one of these two pieces will get called because only one of them is going to have things leftovers.
Also one of the most useful resources you'll find is the course's website; where not only will the obvious be posted like handouts and such, pests in the syllabus, but there will also be a variety of tools that you can turn to over the course of the semester including our own videos.
Those of you in public health and there are some grad students here have probably heard this discussion before, but you guys aside, can anybody guess what might be explaining this relationship over in the left hand side?
the abuse is, you know, it's not quite right, it depends upon whether it's all ready, but you can see in either case, after 12 steps, 2 runs through this and down to a problem size b over 2.