But then, they would also need to buy into an entire service army of people to figure out how to use it.
and I'm really excited to buy, like, 300 acres, and, you know, just live my life out in bliss,
spent a lot of time and effort kind of figuring out what is it that people will want to buy next week.
Well you know when you walk past those soft drink machines you're being marketed to even if you don't buy it because it's that big colorful thing that stands out.
All the sick people will come to you to buy life insurance and they will turn out to have a higher death rate than the population at large.
The last shareholder--so a company can't buy all of its shares but it can buy some of its shares and that's another way to get money out of the company.
Certainly if you buy them out somewhere you're going to get one that's maybe the size of a light bulb, but it's like the flood light in your backyard or something, it's a huge light.
When that was the case if you wanted fast food you had to at least spend the calories to get out of your car to walk into the place to buy the fast food.
All it can do is keep piling in the money and accumulating it and then someone will buy the whole company and then all of the shareholders will be bought out at a termination date.
The idea was that a lot of people can't afford a house -let's all get together and pool our money -in a Building Society or Saving and Loan Association -and then we'll loan out to some of us to buy the house.
One's from Burger King and one is from KFC, and when I show these to you-- we'll talk a lot about food marketing in the United States, because if you buy the premise that I laid out a few moments ago, that what we consider food and what we consider to taste good is pretty much a total social construction.
The British Government issued those consols in the early 1700s and, while they were refinanced in the late nineteenth century, they're still there. If you want to go out and buy one, you can get on your laptop right after this lecture and buy one of them.
You work for XYZ Corporation; the share is trading at $10 a share; they would give you "At the money" Or "Out of the money" Options -say options to buy the stock at $11 a share.