So I'm going to solve this by enumerate and check, which is an example of what's called a brute-force algorithm.
That means the force you're applying is cancelled by another force, which has got to be the force of friction.
And, that's given by the balance between the attractive force of the ions offset by the repulsive force in the electronic shells.
So I think that by doing that, I can't force you to hang outside of work, but I can make it so that people are more with each other and can communicate more freely.
Even if I could make everyone in the room choose Beta by the force of my brain waves, What should I then do? I should choose Alpha.
Even in the case of this spring, when you pull it, if you pull it to the right by some force.
I draw a graph here of the amount by which I pull the spring versus the force it exerts.
The 312 particles are held together in a nucleus by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called memo-ons.
There is a repulsive force, the attractive force between ions of opposite charge is offset by a repulsive force due to electron cloud interactions.
That's another way of saying maintaining velocity if it's not acted upon by a force.
We can be precise about how much bigger by saying, "If the acceleration of a body to a given force is ten times that of a one kilogram mass, then this mass is one-tenth of one kilogram."
我们能精确地知道质量能大多少,只需要说,"如果物体在给定力作用下的加速度,是一个 1 千克物体的加速度的 10 倍,那这个物体的质量就是 1 千克的十分之一"
Therefore, it'll compress by an unknown x, which is equal to mg divided by the force constant of the spring.
因此它的压缩量为 x,也就等于 mg 除以弹簧的弹性系数
By the way, that's a very remarkable property of the gravitational force-- the cancellation of the two ms.
顺便说一下,这是重力的一个重要属性,即可以消去等式两边的 m