And he defined the average in terms of not the sum divided by two, but he chose the geometric mean.
Consciousness, if what we mean by consciousness is this qualitative aspect of our mental life, consciousness remains a pretty big mystery.
It's going to let us bury away the specifics of something, and treat that computation like a black box. And by black box, I mean, literally behaves like a mysterious little black box.
So, let me get a little bit more specific about what we mean by nodal plane and where the idea of nodal plane comes from, and nodal planes arise from any place you have angular nodes.
Let me say more about what I mean by approaching the question of his modernness, his modernity, from the point of view of his subjects.
But what does he mean by or what do I mean by referring to his policies of abstention ? from political life?
Yes, I see them in the text just as anybody else does, but since I don't really know what they mean except by means of the translation, why should I use them?
What I mean by that is I want you to take ownership of your learning.
Now we will never know, and don't let anyone ever suggest to you that you will ever know, what Milton could possibly mean by this deliberately perplexing image of the two-handed engine at the door.
What I mean by this is it's possible, of course, to be afraid of a person, but unlike an emotion like gratitude, it's not intrinsically social.
What does it mean that both of these elements have been retained here side by side? What is the phrase? The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So keep that awareness.
By cell/cell contact, I mean that there's a receptor in one cell that makes some kind of a chemical interaction with a receptor in another cell.
By regular rate we mean that the amount of time that each chord holds is exactly the same; every chord holds for the same length of time.
Now I want to really clarify for you what I mean by this term "modernism." It just means the art and literature of the early twentieth century, especially the "high art," although its roots are definitely in the nineteenth century, especially the French nineteenth century, fiction and poetry.
And by that I mean a Burkean conservatism, a set of beliefs that says the world is ordered as it is, for reasons, and that human beings ought not tinker with that order, very much.
这里我指的是一种保守主义,相信这世界是始终按照秩序,运转的一套信仰,因此,人类 无论如何不能去僭越规则
When the gentleman brought it and install it in my bedroom here, they gave me one simple sheet to tell me how to turn it on, how to get into the program, and then program really explain itself, really invites you to explore the pieces of it, by itself, I mean.
So it is a very thin and quick move, one on a second, by which I mean that one electrode, one set of neurons is the a very important piece of the puzzle, but not all that you need.
And what I want to do now is illustrate a case study of what I mean by nature constrained and why it is so important for happiness, for wellbeing, for long-term success to have the constrained view of human nature when it comes to our psychology that is.
By "Present," We mean-- we will pick some part of the universe we want to study and we will ask, "What information do I need to know for that system at the initial time, like, right now, in order to be able to predict the future?"
And by that, I mean, not how much memory do I need to store the size of the input, it's really how much internal memory do I use up as I go through the computation?
And by that, I mean anything that can be described in one of these process, you can capture in that set of primitives.
Talk of all of those things is what we mean by the mind, but there's no extra thing, the mind, above and beyond the body.
That is Hirsch's other key position, and we can understand it by saying something like this: the meaning of a text is what the author intended it to mean -that is to say, what we can establish with a reliable paraphrase.
I'm putting Freud here but what I mean is well-known defenders of Freud will make some claims like: adult personality traits are shaped by the course of psychosexual development; all dreams are disguised wish fulfillment; psychoanalysis is the best treatment for mental disorders.
And over the next couple of days, you'll see what we mean by this in detail.
OK. So to do this, we're going to have to do a couple of things. All right, the first one is, what do we mean by input size?
What I mean by that is, pick a simple set of values, and let's walk through it to see what happens. And this is useful because it's going to allow me to A make sure that I've got something that's going to terminate, it's going to let me make sure that in fact I'm doing the right kinds of updates.
By moral judgment I mean not empathetic feelings, not feelings of caring and love or approval and disapproval, so they're not feelings of caring and love and empathy, but notions like something is good or bad, something--like something is fair or unfair.
And what I mean by this is the behaviorists were obsessed with the idea of doing science and they felt, largely in reaction to Freud, that claims about internal mental states like desires, wishes, goals, emotions and so on, are unscientific.