It's headed by one person but in our case it had 4-5 people working on nothing but the president's schedule.
No one was injured in a blast which was attributed to the buildup of gas by one town official."
Linear algorithms tend to be things where, at one pass-through, you reduce the problem by a constant amount by one. If you reduce it by two, 1 it's going to be the same thing.
You see the difference in electronegativity, square it, multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.
So, literally earlier today when I was on my way to campus I emerged from the Harvard Subway Station and I was about to exit the station up the stairs when I noticed this older woman who was standing by one of these things.
Remember, she says that, as she is growing more and more desperate at the end, that her men were being stripped away from her one by one.
Now I can measure that, because I pull it by one centimeter and I find the acceleration it exerts on a known mass.
现在就能测量这个力了,因为把弹簧拉伸 1 厘米,我就知道它让一个质量已知的物体产生的加速度
One by one he subdued his father's trees By riding them down over and over again Until he took the stiffness out of them - And not one but hung limp, not one was left for him to conquer.
In 1875 there's an amendment to the Constitution that essentially- voted by one vote,or approved by one vote, by the Assembly--that essentially transforms France into a Republic.
If you have an interest rate--this is approximately equal to-- one plus the real interest rate is equal to divided by one plus the rate of inflation.
Well, the moral logic of the situation seems to be that, that they would keep on picking off the weakest maybe, one by one, until they were rescued.
Now, one of the things the Greeks believed, as we discover from a poem written by one of their major poets, is something so far as I know unique to the Greeks.
He does not emerge from some preexisting realm and therefore he is free of all of the limitations of myth and magic--we'll go through these one by one--but a God whose will is absolute and sovereign. All right?
A reaction performed by one enzyme creates a product that stimulates another enzyme that creates a product, and stimulates another enzyme, and through this cascade of reactions you amplify and carry the signal forward.
It used to be case that trained people like dieticians would have to sit down and go through one by one by one and do nutrient analysis, but of course the computer helps with that.
I've assigned a full two weeks to the Republic, which would be four lectures, but because I wanted to do some other things with the course as well, I had to cut the Republic by one lecture, and now I'm paying for that today.