It is a product that is passively assimilated by the individual."
The one that everybody likes to tease me about from times gone by was a product we use to have called "Microsoft Bob."
The sovereign does not exist by nature but rather, Hobbes tells us again, the sovereignty is the product of art or science.
It seemed to be the product of individual decisions made by the rational, churchgoing English public.
It isn't a product of the Civil War by any means.
So, a natural product is something that is made by nature, and often natural products, whether it comes from a plant or a marine organism have some really good, useful properties. And so, one particular compound has anti-tumor properties. So, again, along this line of cancer research.
As much land as a man tills, plants, improves, cultivates and can use the product of, so much is his property " He by his labor encloses it from the commons."
A reaction performed by one enzyme creates a product that stimulates another enzyme that creates a product, and stimulates another enzyme, and through this cascade of reactions you amplify and carry the signal forward.
n So the velocity is given by this product of the quantum number n Planck constant 2 pi mass of the electron time the radius of the orbit, which itself is a function of n.
It is not simply a genetic endowment, nor is it simply the product of experience, " which Hobbes calls by the name "prudence."
So Firm 2--if Firm 2 produces all the way up to here then any product produced by Firm 1 is going to push prices even lower.
Marx, in the famous argument about commodity fetishism in Kapital, is comparing the way in which we take the product of human labor and turn it into a commodity by saying that it has objective value, by saying that we know what its value is in and of itself.