• It may be owned by other individuals but it has its own rights and responsibilities as if it were a person.


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  • Well, the Greeks had no concept of natural rights, or of rights that human beings were given by the gods.


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  • The property rights are established and enforced by the government, which is a democratic government, and we have representatives to enforce those rights.


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  • By 1964, the Civil Rights movement had accomplished amazing things.


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  • Other things like sexual orientation are used as a category by which some people, for religious reasons, need to have a certain level or kinds of rights or be excluded from others and also of course, certain obligations and duties first.


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  • The very idea of individual rights got reshaped by the Market Revolution.


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  • It's limited by the obligation on the part of the majority to respect and to enforce the fundamental natural rights of the citizens.


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  • And so it's a mistake, according to strong theories of rights, it's a mistake to think about justice or law by just adding up preferences and values.


    耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选

  • The first was the objection, the claim that utilitarianism, " by concerning itself with the greatest good for the greatest number, fails adequately to respect individual rights.


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  • The only constraint given by the law of nature is that the rights we have, the natural rights we have we can't give up nor can we take them from somebody else.


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  • Some of the most open exercises of states' rights, of course, before the 1850s, were conducted by Northerners, like in the Hartford Convention of 1814, like in personal liberty laws that we'll come to a bit later.


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  • And by the way, we, the people of progress, are rooted in those principles of the Declaration of Independence" which are written down essentially as creeds "And, oh and by the way, we have a written Constitution we actually wrote it down, we have a Bill of Rights where we declare these things on paper, unlike the Brits."


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