So, in fact, yes, we did confirm that these covalent bond, at least in the case of hydrogen, we have confirmed by the numbers that we are at a lower energy state when we talk about the bonded atom versus the individual atom.
The point of anchoring is that you are subconsciously influenced by numbers and it affects your judgment; you think you know.
So now we're just counting up our orbitals, an orbital is completely described by the 3 quantum numbers.
What he did was coined this. But he found that by taking the reciprocal of the wavelengths, you have four numbers, he took the reciprocals of those wavelengths and found that they fit a numerical sequence.
But all of you in this room probably remember what we technically call the base 10 system or decimal system because back in grade school or the like, you learned to count and add and subtract numbers by way of columns.
By your estimation, how many more years before we will see Afghan National Army and the police force in enough numbers to stablize the country?
Your numbers with the primes on them are related to mine by this relation.
The commune, the numbers of the commune were swollen by political refugees.
I chose 22 because I thought that most people would play the game dividing by two-thirds a couple of times, and give numbers averaging around the low 30's.
We were talking about the subdivision of that pulse, the organizing of that pulse into meters, and that we had this capacity to indicate what the meter was by these numbers: two-four, and three-four for duple and triple meter.
Diets by numbers and letters -eDiets, Number Seven, The GI Diet.
I'm not going to go through their numbers but the value of the company,as a whole, is really determined by something outside of finance.
Also, what's the energy per photon of this red laser pointer, and then it's also worth trying a calculation dealing with intensity. So let's also try calculating the numbers of photons that would be emitted by this laser pointer, if, for example, we were to use it for 60 seconds and this were a one milliwatt laser.
At every instant, it's got a location given by the vector R; R itself is contained in a pair of numbers, x and y, and they vary with time.
在每一个瞬时,它的位置由位矢 R 给出,R 本身包含了一对坐标值 x 和 y,并且它们都随着时间的变化而变化
I want to start by explaining the numbers here.
if I say a particle's location is i times t^2 plus j times 9t^3, for every value of time, you can put the numbers in and you can find the velocity by just taking derivatives.
一个质点的位置,i ? t^2 + j ? 9t^3,在每一个时间点,你可以把数值代入,并通过求导得到速度