By the time of Columbus maize had already become the staff of life in the New World.
By the time of the American Revolution these are the elements that were known.
That area was controlled by Egypt at the purported time of the Exodus Running north to south, next to that coastal plain, is a region of low mountains.
I don't believe we'll-- I'll--come close to scratching the surface of what I would enjoy doing, by the time I've died.
And it turns out that simply by counting the number of those spikes that occurs at a period of time.
It implies that this algorithm is calling itself again and again, and again, and on each time the size of the problem I'm trying to sort is being divided by what?
So already by the time 2 Peter was written, which was much later than the letters of Paul, Paul's letters have come to be regarded by at least some early Christians as scripture themselves.
By the time you get to the end of the term, you're going to be dealing with some fairly complex things, so one of the things you're going to see is, we're going to make heavy use of libraries, or code written by others.
He was teaching a lecture course nearby, not at the same time, which was interpretation as practiced by the School of de Man.
From the time they formed their republics until they were conquered by alien empires, the Greeks also rejected monarchy of any kind.
If I gave you the location of a particle as a function of time, you can find the velocity by taking derivatives.
But by the time we finish the end of that line, we are really right in the middle of very regular iambic pentameter.
Some of those kids will need coronary bypass surgery in their twenties; some of them will be blind by the time they're thirty.
By the way why is it 90% of the time and not 100% of the time?
By regular rate we mean that the amount of time that each chord holds is exactly the same; every chord holds for the same length of time.
Most censuses were taken, by the way, as a way of counting heads, the number of people who had to be fed at the time of a siege.