You can see from trigonometry and the length of the vector I'm going to call by A.
可以用三角的知识,然后我把矢量的模长记为 A
So most of our classes are taught by what we call Socratic method
Verse in which there is nothing but the beat of the metre furnished by the accents of the polysyllabic words we call doggerel. Verse is not that.
They all tutoyer each other, even if they hate each other's politics, and they call each other by the informal name.
And we can do that by going through and deriving What we'll call the fundamental equations of thermodynamics.
The number that you choose to rotate your letters by is what we call in cryptography, a key.
They've been clearly been hurled into hell by a Judeo-Christian deity. So this little moment, this Medusa moment, we can call it, is really quite strange.
According to the dualist, the mind is this immaterial substance and we could call it by different names.
So somebody tell me, pick somebody to cold, why don't you call a person, anybody that goes by.
The hoplite has two weapons of which the most important by far is a pike, I guess, is what we would call it.
That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called. Retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title.
What you could call institutional evil by somebody behaving cruelly toward somebody else, perhaps not due to malice but because of the situation that she's in.
The reason they call them boiler rooms is, if you are selling stocks by telephone there's no reason to rent a nice office, so you get the cheapest -so you put a whole bank of telephones in the cheapest place.
And in the even case, I'd square, divide by half, call this again: in the odd case, I go b minus 1 and then multiply by a.
kg is being pulled by the rope on the right with a force that I'm going to call T, which stands for tension.
千克的物体受到绳子向右的一个拉力,我称它为 T,也就是拉力的意思
When you call something "scripture," what you simply mean is it's some kind of writing that is taken by somebody as holy and authoritative,somehow sacred.