The local sheriff will call out the guys and restore order when there's trouble.
So one is your traditional Londoner. We call them a Cockney who lives out there,
It turns out when we call string a string, we're really referring not to those characters but to the address, the location and memory of those characters.
You can see that the dash distribution I drew has more out in the tails, so we call it fat-tailed.
And again, I want to point out that a molecular orbital, we can also call that a wave function, they're the same thing.
It spread out beyond Crete because the Minoans established what we might want to call an empire in various parts of the Mediterranean, and it starts with Crete.
But then we have to ask-- so I'll throw the question out and we'll call it a day, start with this next time-- then we have to ask, ? would it really be better to know?
But you know when he's out of town, he doesn't call at all.
But Yum Brands responded in a very interesting way when the call to remove trans fat first came out.
I alone of English writers have consciously set myself to make music out of what I may call the sound of sense.
I'm going to call it down here with search, which is simply going to call it, and then print an answer out.
Why don't we cold call somebody out, you can?
And, so, Louis XIV, who liked to call himself the Sun God, a modest megalomaniac, he sends out officials into the provinces to enforce his will, and these dudes are called intendants--but that doesn't matter, you don't have to remember that.
You can't call up the banker and say that, but if you're playing golf it comes out perfectly naturally.
And so, he has put this chemistry to use in this robotic arm and they call it Fido, because often dogs are the creatures that have to go out and detect these things, and it's not a great job if you're a dog to be sent out to see whether there was an explosive and discover yes, there was, a little bit too late.
It started out that was as, what we call, fractional reserve.
Some scholars have pointed out that in Book II of the Iliad in the section that we call, "The Catalog of Ships," The poet lays out just exactly how many warships came to Troy fromGreece, and just exactly how many came from each town.
So again, we can name these molecular orbitals and these we're going to call also to point out there is now a bond axis along this nodal plane, which is something we didn't see before when we were combining the s orbitals.
These mortgages were given out to people that couldn't afford them and today you have what you call subprime mortgages--subprime paper They issued against this paper stuff called mortgage-backed security. They securitized them and these things are all floating around now.
Agamemnon as the chief out there in the Iliad, he can call a meeting of the assembly, I should say of the council, but he's not the only one who can.
And what he came out with when he did some calculations is that there's the radius that he could calculate was equal to this number a sub nought, which is what we call the Bohr radius, and it turns out that the Bohr radius happens to be the radius most probable for a hydrogen atom.