That is to say not even the best city on Aristotle's account can afford to be without a foreign policy.
But yeah, I mean, nobody now with...there's no way we can afford to buy now
You can't fight as a hoplite, in other words, unless you can afford to pay for your equipment and that excludes a goodly number of citizens who are too poor to fight in the phalanx.
or rich people who can afford to have lots of plastic surgery.
because they have cars or can afford to take taxis everywhere.
And that right now we can no longer afford to incarcerate, see, more than two million people, and take them not only out of workforce, but keeping them away from information of knowledge of literacy.
So we would see resets after two years to a much higher level and some of these people would discover that they can't afford them.
So people that are being kicked out of their apartment, or they can't afford a place to live,
But when you look at the bill, it is very expensive and you can't afford to pay that.
even if they can't afford to actually come here and, you know, do the whole thing.
I can never afford to live here.
Maybe it's a tradition, maybe it's to keep the value kind of in a familiar range or a small-- they don't want them to get too expensive because people can't-- small investors can't afford them anymore.
One is, he can't afford to have his hoplite line outflanked, because if I can come around and take care of this guy from this side, he is engaged with a guy who's right opposite him, I can just kill him no problem at all.
But yeah, I think if you can afford it and it's something that's important to you
But they can't afford to pay their rent,
and for whatever reason they can't afford to pay the rent anymore.