You can look at old exams, you can look at your homework, that's the kind of questions you can expect.
so you can either leave or you can leave the dog here. You give it up. You surrender the dog."
That is to say with just those set of constructs, anything you can describe algorithmically you can compute with that set of constructs.
And I'm going to call this the you can break even law; you can break even law.
Once you can see it and once you can step back from it, then you can also decide, "This pass is my filter. This pass is my constraint.
And the interesting thing is, I think you can see-- you can get a feel for both possible answers here.
You can write it out, you can speak it, you can talk as long as you want, as short as you want.
Yes, I can. Now, can you now-- you're the most disadvantaged person and you can see it, right?
You see, on one hand, this culture of success, You can do this, you can get rich, God wants you to be rich.
You can play not against yourself; you can program the computer to play against yourself-- you can program the computer to play against you.
There are all sorts of things you can do once you can visualize something with fluorescence.
If you can do this, you can do most of the problems you will run into.
We're interested only really in two things: One, can you differentiate between duple and triple meter; and two, can you recognize some very basic rhythmic patterns?
They're out there, you can gather them, you can hunt them, you can fish them, or you can grow them, you can do something but it's out there in nature.
It was a great round shield about three feet across and it had--let me step out here so that I can show you. Can you hear me back there?
you can see that the subcortical here, so this is a brain that was cut away here, here, and here was a chunk taking out, you can see deep into this area you can also see that's what happening in the cortex.