We cannot do anything about protons, they are buried in the nucleus, but we can add or subtract electrons.
But you cannot leave the city without going to Golden Gate Park and going to California Academy of Sciences.
He's saying they're doing great work but they forget this one little thing: you cannot reconcile rhetoric and grammar.
We are bodies in motion, and who cannot help but obey the law or the physics of attraction and repulsion.
I cannot draw it that well, but imagine bringing the second point closer and closer to the first one.
But there is nothing saying you cannot take magnesium and mix it with oxygen and make magnesium oxide.
Harmony is indeed invisible in sense Number 1, you cannot see it with your eyes, but for all that, it can be destroyed.
Hopefully within two years, probably not next year, but within two years, there will be positive psychology class offered, but I certainly cannot guarantee it.
Man can embody truth but cannot know it."
It's perfectly inscrutable as far as I'm concerned. But I think I can say with absolute certainty that one of its possible significances cannot be that the unprofitable servant should have waited to make his investment.
Now let's just say something now, which I'll probably forget to say in any other moment of the class, but today it's relevant. Game Theory, me, professors at Yale, cannot tell you what your payoff should be.
这里我们要解释一下,我差点就忘记说了,博弈论,还有我 耶鲁大学教授,无法说出你的收益应该是什么样的
But there is one thing, Descartes concluded, that he cannot doubt, and the answer is he cannot doubt that he is himself thinking.
But through technique alone to the extensity even existence cannot be found alone There isn't any or many or much meaning maybe limited cases I don't care.
There were words in there--they said something--of course, we cannot guarantee that they won't go up in value but historically they have always done it or something like that.
Okay, good. So in Gmail context most of you know, you cannot--you can delete things but most people just save or archive emails.
But also unlike n, l cannot have just any value, we can't go into infinity.