For the adult learner, the technology has the capability of freeing us in terms of time and space.
And that created enormous challenges, of our capability and systems and process to deal with this tremendous growth and expansion.
Now another approach would be to take pieces of the pancreas that already have all that capability within them.
We don't have an enormous difficulty grasping them, and it doesn't seem to me that our capability of grasping irony is founded on a necessary, underlying agreement.
Now that ignorance that I'm describing, what Wordsworth called "wise passiveness", ; what Keats described as "negative capability"; the great argument for it is very simple.
It's a capability that just tells the computer what to do.
Some of them have the capability of becoming white blood cells, or leukocytes, of which there are many different subsets.
A capability for asymmetric division and the production of cells that become differentiating more mature cells, those are properties of stem cells.
It has the capability of becoming any kind of cell within the body, in fact, that's what it does.
Some of them have the capability of becoming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood.
All the cells in your body have the capability of making all the proteins that you make, but they're not all made in every cell.
The important concept is that, while every cell in your body has the capability of making all the proteins that are needed throughout your body, not every cell is doing that at any given time.
We'll see they're not quite as versatile as Scratch's little inventory capability.