and yet are not the things that we covet or wish to banish, We recognize in ourselves the capacity for disinterestedness.
So after the reports, we had really hoped to integrate civic engagements in some way and some capacity into the curriculum.
We're not going to have the constant pressure heat capacity, we're going to have the constant volume heat capacity, right.
Galileo's only using, of course, his telescope in the first place because his human capacity for vision is insufficient to see the truths of the heavens.
Our writer for today thinks so highly of that capacity of literature to embody the human voice that he imagines a whole religious world around him.
So these devices, when I was a youngster, were colloquially known as "atom smashers", because they have the capacity to actually break these and have them reform.
But probably the most interesting aspect of our evolved minds is our capacity to understand and deal with other people.
We have a pretty well-established process at Dell now where we evaluate our leaders and development capacity.
So I would argue as a matter of practice in my own life and certainly in a teaching capacity, frankly, I find this much more readable.
We'll basically be sitting here thinking about what we can know or make sense of with regard to death using our reasoning capacity.
It cultivates the capacity to deal whether it's negative and painful experiences in relationships, or in ourselves.
My cell phone rings and because one has the capacity nowadays to select your own ring tone--right?
Reason, science, art is the capacity to transform nature by making it, imposing on it, a method that will produce like effects after similar consequences.
In 1860 slaves as an asset were worth more than all of America's manufacturing, all of the railroads, all of the productive capacity of the United States put together.
It's related to the heat capacity, the constant volume of heat capacity and something you could measure.
I didn't even need to know that heat capacity of the product, right. Because it's effect the thermal mass of the product is negligible compared to the thermal mass of the calorimeter.