So 9% less cardiovascular disease, 13% less Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, 6% less cancer, 9% less mortality from all causes.
and if you, you should be doing cardiovascular activities
Now, in the case of weight and cardiovascular disease, the lines depicting men and women don't differ very much but here they do.
organ systems like the cardiovascular system are made up of tissues.
The heavier a person is the more likely they are to die of cardiovascular disease.
On the y axis here it's the percent of people with these two conditions who have cardiovascular disease--or stroke rather 5%--less than 5% and a little over 5% with the stroke as the outcome.
We'll come back to this in our example in the cardiovascular system when we're talking about the heart and we'll talk about how to measure the collective group of action potentials using EKG's.
The cardiovascular system, which is the heart and the blood vessels which are responsible for and the blood and so this is responsible for moving blood around the body and the blood brings oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body, you know that.
There's a whole class of antagonistic drugs that have been designed to influence your cardiovascular system.
You can see that when you get out to the highest groups here, the highest weights, the relative risk is up at two and a half or three, so that would be a 200% increase in risk for cardiovascular death or two to three times the risk of death.
Cardiovascular disease, why is cardiovascular disease on the top?
If you look at increasing weight as you go from left to right on this axis, lean people, overweight people, and obese people, the risk goes way up for death from cardiovascular diseases.