The last time you saw that for an ideal gas, the energy only cared about the temperature.
Well, the only times I've been there were with people that I really, really cared about.
I've always been the kind of person who cared deeply about what happened at the national and international level.
We change the payoffs, we change what people cared about, and we get a very different game with a very different outcome.
And so, if that happens, they want their children and family members to be cared for.
What they cared about-- because the Roman Republic by this time was basically a bunch of very important households, wealthy men and their households, and they were the members of the Senate, they were the knight class, they were the people who ran Rome.
I'm not aware that any other culture that had city states had ideas of this kind that helped make explain why one was associated with it and cared about it.
Youth has always cared about envrionment and pushed our issues.
They cared terribly about the consequences to their clients in the long term from the securities they sold. That ethos, by the time the year 2006 came along, had pretty well disappeared.
First, no one cared what I was doing.
We have the same basic structure, the same outcomes, but we imagine people cared about different things and we end up with a very different answer.