Your caring, your moral feelings towards other creatures to the extent of the proportion of genes that you share with them.
You chose Alpha; I'm assuming these were roughly your payoffs, more or less, you were caring about your grades.
That's such a great encapsulation of not caring about any specific thing, but still being incredibly invested.
In our affections, in our caring, who we like, who we feel close to, whose pain bothers us, we are not indiscriminate.
For example, the hall prove to measure the magnetic field of a crack caring club.
Five of them sustain moderate injuries, one is severely injured, you could spend all day caring for the one severely injured victim but in that time, the five would die.
It doesn't work so easily to share with those people along the lines that these communities--I think these communes tend to emphasize a social compact, a feeling for each other, a caring for each other, which is a lovely thought but it doesn't achieve risk management on a big scale.
So, he finally realizes that Sal actually has a specific love for him, not caring about him somehow in principle, which is the way of course that Dean cares.
So, empathy, caring, sympathy don't kick in, but instead there's the aggression unleashed at somebody and there has to be some level of surprise.
And the answer is the moral feelings we're talking about are feelings like empathy and caring.
So, moral feelings we could view as feelings of condemnation, shame, emotions like that-- shame, condemnation, pride, righteous anger, but also simple affection, caring for other people, wanting to do well by them, being upset if an injustice is to be done by them.
By moral judgment I mean not empathetic feelings, not feelings of caring and love or approval and disapproval, so they're not feelings of caring and love and empathy, but notions like something is good or bad, something--like something is fair or unfair.
Animals that are altruistic even to the point of dying to help another, those genes will, under some circumstances, be preserved over the genes of people who are less caring.