It would be so easy if you built a cohesive system that carries the entire transaction to create a receipt that is useful.
One way to mark time is to imagine it carries a clock as it moves, and put markers every second.
And the high priest loads all of the sins and impurities of the Israelites on the head of a goat, which then carries them off into the wilderness away from the sanctuary.
And, because it's a moving house, it carries the sense of the wandering believer with it as well.
So, tell me again a little bit about Interfaith Youth Core and some of its goals and some of the ways it carries out those goals.
He tries to defend his point of view by arguing in a famous passage that his policy of abstinence actually carries important benefits to the city.
The sound of the guns carries inland, into the heart of England, and as it does it carries back also in time to Camelot and to "starlit Stonehenge."
Because I don't think it carries a sense of obligation.
The military staff carries the black box.
The quarter note usually carries the beat.
Did I conceive all this people, did I bear them, that You should say to me, 'Carry them in your bosom as a nurse carries an infant,' to the land that You have promised on oath to their fathers?
Now being created in the image of God carries a further implication.
It's regarded perhaps by today's political science as too value laden too subjective to speak of statesmanship or statecraft. This too again is a word that carries distinctive and strong ? connotations. Who is a statesman?
So the car--going back to the passage Essex that I was talking about before with the Essex--the car even though religion is not mentioned directly right here, the sense of home that it embodies, carries with it all that sense of unhousedness.