They cover only one part of a year and yet they carry details of thousands of transactions in hundreds of places.
Did I conceive all this people, did I bear them, that You should say to me, 'Carry them in your bosom as a nurse carries an infant,' to the land that You have promised on oath to their fathers?
By looking to see not just what genes you carry but what genes are being used at particular times in your life.
You can see these opening pages of the book, dense argument being condensed in very deep ways, carry a great deal of freight.
And, one thing I'd like to add to it, and that is, and I told this to my recitation sections that when you do these quizzes, in spite of the fact that it might be trivial in some cases, make sure you carry the units through.
Now, let me carry on with this by talking about the views of society which are characteristic of the two traditions in Western civilization.
He comments about automobiles. What he suggested is that the new invention is worthless. It's really a great line that touch our hearts. It's true that automobiles carry people flow but really humanity in society might actually be moving backwards.
Well, you can use what's called an array which is kind of a list or a little satchel of that you might physically carry that you can put things in again and again, and with an array can you actually keep track of not just numbers but any kinds of things, other sprites or other pictures, or perhaps a little something like this.
This would probably-- this by the way would probably look more appealing if you were in the restaurant, but somebody took a photograph, they got the carry out version of it and took a photograph and it doesn't look so hot.
On the other hand--and this is something that I want to emphasize-- you don't want to carry that too far and one of the lessons of behavioral finance is that markets are not really efficient in a global sense.
In this case, I probably want to make sure I use absolute value of x before I carry it on. Yes ma'am.
In another, the priests carry the Ark around the city 13 times, so scholars think there are two different accounts here woven together.
They're small molecules that - whose principal function in the body is to carry signals from one cell in the nervous system to another.
You konw, the British practicing mercantilism passed navigation acts, saying what ships could carry what and so on -nothing like that in the Greek world.
Many neurotransmitters that carry signals between neurons in your brain work this way.
The god says to him, "Here's what you need to do. You need to try the spirit of your men, and in that way to inspirit them to carry on until victory.