I wonder why they don't carry it further, but that's the thing they emphasized.
But now I have to carry all the laundry down the street to another building to do it there,
They carry it a little further than that.
Things like electricity, having electricity delivered to your home, so you had to have ways to generate electricity and to carry it from point to point and it was engineers that did that.
In this case, I probably want to make sure I use absolute value of x before I carry it on. Yes ma'am.
And it doesn't carry a notion of sanctions, meaning I don't think anybody should be punished for eating strawberry ice cream.
This would probably-- this by the way would probably look more appealing if you were in the restaurant, but somebody took a photograph, they got the carry out version of it and took a photograph and it doesn't look so hot.
So it depends on where, what city you'll carry your survey.
Because it's very easy to carry.
Where am I to get meat to give to all this people, when they whine before me and say, 'Give us meat to eat!' I cannot carry all this people by myself, for it is too much for me.
And, one thing I'd like to add to it, and that is, and I told this to my recitation sections that when you do these quizzes, in spite of the fact that it might be trivial in some cases, make sure you carry the units through.
He comments about automobiles. What he suggested is that the new invention is worthless. It's really a great line that touch our hearts. It's true that automobiles carry people flow but really humanity in society might actually be moving backwards.
OK. We wanted to finish up that section, we're now going to start on a new section, and I want to try and do one and a half things in the remaining time. I'm going to introduce one topic that we're going to deal with fairly quickly, and then we tackle the second topic, it's going to start today, and we're going to carry on.
.. So, why didn't somebody think of-- you're sitting there with your child playing with a wheeled toy and then you're going out to carry some heavy stuff and you're dragging it along the ground.
Last time we checked the type and said if it is a float you're okay. If not, carry on.