And in particular, dairy maids, whose responsibility was to milk cows, and so they had a very intimate relationship with cattle, often didn't get disease.
But variola, which causes smallpox in humans, and vaccinia, which causes a disease called cowpox in cattle, turned out to be, we now know, viruses that are molecularly very similar.
They are engaged in raising livestock, which in Greece is more likely to be sheep and goats than cattle, but also breeding horses, which is very important for the aristocracy for carrying on warfare.
So, you're starting out with about-- please don't write these down-- 24,000 cattle, 150,000 sheep, 6,000 hogs, and that is not enough to eat, and people become quite obsessed with what they're going to eat.
You've got horses which you need for the army but also which they start slaughtering; you've got cattle but you have enough food to last for maybe a month; there's always a lot to drink because of the caves, that is, the wine cellars that people had, but things get worse and worse.