I'm gonna go ahead and say don't say it ' - cause I didn't make any changes. I'll play this-- Okay, getting cute.
Probably I shouldn't have said it's a two-step process 'cause it's a three-step process to actually write and run it, and the third step is just going to be to run it.
So, if I wanted to cause you to feel moral concern for a fetus, I would do well to describe it as a pre-born child.
We're going to go now to the last movement of his Pastoral Symphony, and I keep hitting on the Pastoral Symphony 'cause in two weeks- or maybe three weeks--we're going to go hear, I guess,the Saybrook Orchestra play the Pastoral Symphony.
Music gets us to do particular kinds of things, gets us to feel particular kinds of ways, and I think these two pieces by the same composer get-- cause--us to feel very, very different, cause a different mood, a different psychological state, to come over us.