All of Milton's labors in the cause of liberating England from the tyranny of monarchy had in some way - could be construed as having been useless.
cause I really, I do agree with, in love with the overall concept of what Miss America or Miss Universe represents.
Malaria causes a million deaths per year, and schistosomiasis, which is a parasitic disease, is unfortunately a common cause of death in the world.
But the cause of individual freedom was enhanced by the Protestant Reformation.
And the cause of some thermodynamics have even been applied to economics, systems out of equilibrium, like big companies like Enron, you know, completely out of equilibrium, crash and burn.
However, I think I will share with you that the cause of his death was in fact, related to his research here, even though it was a little more tangled up.
Man's disobedience is the cause of the human predicament.
And here's why. Because this is the No. 1-- equating to selfishness and immorality is the No. 1 cause-- subconsciously mostly, but not only-- No. 1 cause of unhappiness.
He was deeply ambitious to the cause of promoting psychoanalysis, to the cause of presenting his view and defending it, and he was often dishonest, extremely brutal to his friends, and terrible to his enemies.
If we torture this one-- of course to torture,you cause pain to bodies, but the pain gets felt in the mind.
The fact that I have this star here, this star here, this star here, is really just 'cause I'm a little anal and it looks pretty to make a little box out of everything but it's not strictly necessary.
If that's not a novelist's description of what a lost cause is I've never read one.
This in combination with the effects of aging and with genetic disposition in some instances, can cause a worldwide pandemic, and this is what we're currently experiencing.
And the other direction is instead of creating all this uncertainty, which all the intervention does, quite a size of Americans are particular interventionists, it gave a tremendous certainty because it began the practice of cause plus contract military equipment suppliers.
A horse-drawing carriage in snowfalls that cause tires stick out of control with drivers gently toddles the ground and makes a nice pattern of black and white. That's how it used to be done, because he's a myth maker.
We're going to go now to the last movement of his Pastoral Symphony, and I keep hitting on the Pastoral Symphony 'cause in two weeks- or maybe three weeks--we're going to go hear, I guess,the Saybrook Orchestra play the Pastoral Symphony.