The dietary laws are presented by the priests not as a sensible way to avoid various diseases that are caused by the lack of refrigeration in the desert.
then a lot of people will get, like, they will be caused harm by that.
We know now that it's caused by a related virus, called vaccinia, remember the virus that causes smallpox is called variola.
I think the 2001--if you want to have a story about it the 2001 recession was caused by the end of the stock market boom.
It's also-- a lot of laughter isn't caused by incongruity so a lot of times when we laugh there's nothing incongruous in any deep sense about it.
Now in some--in the chronic respiratory diseases there's some infection but most of the other things are caused by lifestyle or by other factors, not the infectious diseases.
But these were not problems brought on by the Romans, these were local problems, and part of it was precisely because the Jews had been recognized by the Romans as having a special status in some places, and this caused some kind of local resentment.
Anymore, then they will feel threatened by the fact that as a society we decided to ban that drug because of the deformities were caused.
The blood of sacrificial animals is assigned by God as a detergent, if you will, to cleanse the sanctuary of the impurities that are caused by the sinful deeds of the Israelites.
That's why when we officially entered the recession or the challenging situation caused by the financial crisis, I keep asking myself, "What should we do?"
The whole category of diarrheal diseases, caused by viruses called enteroviruses, where they, it infects your gut.
So, polio--the disease caused by polio can be a paralytic disease, crippling, and in some cases can lead to death if the disease progresses in certain ways.
What caused it? It was caused maybe it's oversimplifying it it was caused by a change in our resolve to let's get inflation under control - and a willingness to accept the recession to stop the advance of inflation.
Because of this, because cystic fibrosis is a disease that's caused by a single gene defect, there's been great interest in trying to treat cystic fibrosis with gene therapy.
As I said, they were officially recognized by the Romans, but this caused problems for Jews sometimes.
Usually this is a disease that's caused by a defect in a single gene.