She's driving, and she's talking on the cell phone, and looking at the photographer.
It can be very stressful especially because we don't get cell phone reception down there.
If your cell phone goes off during an exam, I come up there. I grab your paper, I tear it in half, and I give you a zero.
My cell phone rings and because one has the capacity nowadays to select your own ring tone--right?
And we called him up on his cell phone and he said, " "Oh. I got on the highway and I drove to work."
There is nothing that it's like on the inside to be a cell phone.
Things like steel and polymers, or plastics, and ceramics, and of course computers which has progressed remarkably due to the work of engineers in your lifetime, until now you can carry around a cell phone, which would have been unthinkable even 30 years ago.
I barely know how to use a cell phone let alone a computer, you know,
And today, if you look at the cell phone and the PDA and the PC and notebooks, desktops, there's a pretty clear distinction among those various product categories.
Raul, there was recently a study done about cell phone use by a driver when people are driving a car, and there was a debate whether that should be banned.
even at gunpoint for their watch or their wallet, cell phone, belongings like that.
First, I lost my keys, I lost my cell phone, and my shoes broke.
We are on the cell phone, we are paying attention to other things.
So, we approached this machine here, the photograph is a little blurry, but it was very clear to us but if you zoom in on the screen and apologies for the reflections, again, this was just taken with my cell phone, you see what appear to be three huge buttons and at the top it said something like have a Charlie Card, which may very well apply to a lot of locals.
I'm feeling very pumped up at that particular point and my cell phone rings.
And Lord help you if a cell phone goes off.