Once you have a difference that occurs, two cells are difference, those differences can propagate as the cells continue to divide.
They found that certain cells, in particular, epithelial cells from monkey kidneys, were very effective at propagating the virus.
And this means that the yellow cells on the right side are mouse hair cells in a chicken inner ear.
Because of the lack of oxygen getting to the cells, the cells are no longer able to carry on their various metabolic processes.
So instead of carrying oxygen to your cells, you're carrying cyanide to your cells.
That's why people are so excited about embryonic stem cells because in nature they become all the cells of the body.
Glucose has to get into cells, that's the main source of energy source that cells use, metabolism of glucose.
All these cells come from the bone marrow and biologists have traced the formation of these cells in great detail.
It's really just the result of the virus dividing within cells of your skin, and producing a lot of dead cells.
A capability for asymmetric division and the production of cells that become differentiating more mature cells, those are properties of stem cells.
Memory cells are long lasting cells that remember this exposure and can respond very quickly on second exposure.
That difference has functional consequences for the daughter cells in that one of the daughter cells becomes what's called here a committed progenitor cell.
In fact, some cells are very different from the cells that are proliferating early in development.
Not all the cells are dividing; in fact, cells in your brain don't proliferate at all.
Through many decades of study, biologists have teased out certain populations of cells within the bone marrow that are capable of reproducing subsets of cells.
If this plate has Ampicillin in it, then the only cells that would be able to grow here are cells that have resistance to Ampicillin.