Again, there's no advertising affecting this, there's no parents being irresponsible and buying sugary cereals for the poor little animals.
In certain location things were dominated by certain cereals; rice in Asia, wheat in Europe, sorghum and millet in Africa, and maize in the New World.
We'll talk later about the politics of food and how the food industrywas very influential in getting the government to allow them to make health claims on cereals.
So we started collecting cereals and things like that from various countries, and found in this preliminary study, that it was the case, the American foods were sweeter.
You see the lactose of course from milk, and then when you get down to the cellulose, and we're talking about starches and then fiber gets involved in here too, then cereals and vegetables become the primary source of these.
When I was a boy there was one form and one form only and it was cartoon-- it was on Saturday morning cartoons and there was advertisements for foods on that and it was mainly for sugared cereals.