And just to look ahead a little bit, you could easily imagine that I might want to not just put a statement in there, what the specs are, I might want to put some constraints. Some specific things to check for, to make sure that you're calling the code right.
Before eating the last slice, you could check with your friends to make sure it's alright for you to delve in.
Or the company says, congratulations we're repurchasing 2% of your shares and here's a check for $5 to pay you for those shares.
So, I have to check for that, but nine times out of ten there's not going to be a problem so now let's do this.
Nowadays, if you go to outer space, you can check for yourself that if you throw something out, it just goes on forever without your intervention.
Question: Doctor, before you perform autopsy ? did you check for a pulse?
Well we get a check for the cockroach on that one don't we?
Two: check to see if this is the answer, if this is the thing I'm looking for.
Just a quick check and this is not for the camera, how many of you have seen Bertrand competition before?
And then it occurs to you that in the next room there's a healthy guy who came in for a check-up.
If that opportunity comes up for you maybe you want to check into the policies of how that works with the doctor situation now.
And so here do we see we can check for equality with zero.
So, I'm going to check for it myself.
We get a check for the Cheetos as well, but only because we're trained to believe that one tastes good and the other one doesn't, because in different cultures it would be the reverse.
Question: Did you check for breathing?
The easy thing to do would be the following: start at the front end of the list, check the first element. If it's the thing I'm looking for, I'm done. It's there. If not, move on to the next element. And keep doing that.