The easy thing to do would be the following: start at the front end of the list, check the first element. If it's the thing I'm looking for, I'm done. It's there. If not, move on to the next element. And keep doing that.
It says, well I'm going to print out first and last just so you can see it, and then I say, gee 2 if last minus first is less than 2, that is, if there's no more than two elements left in the list, then I can just check those two elements and return the answer.
It says while the index is smaller than the size - of the list, I'm not at the end of the list and I don't have an answer yet, check.
You try to design actually I'm going to come back to that in a second. It's like you're trying to use a hash function that spread things out pretty evenly. But the places you store into in those lists may have to themselves have a small list in there, and when you go to check something, you may have to do a linear search through the elements in that list.
So I'm going to check to see if- really can't read that thing, let me do it this way-- right, I'm going to increase the number of compares, and I'm going to check to say, is the thing I'm looking for at the i'th spot in the list?
Now if you look at that list, there is actually something I didn't seem to check, which is, I said I wanted a float stored in hyp.