In this case, it's doing the check on the remainder and printing them out.
and you had planned to go on a Dutch pay but at the end of the meal, the friend offers to take the check.
On page 174--Again, check and see if this is the same in your edition.
Once you know what pieces to look for, what mental constructs to reach for, can you realize all right I want to make some dancing figures go back and forth, I need to loop this way and loop this way and check if I'm on the edge and so forth.
And she's--and it's not the--and in fact, if you check the notes on the song, she's in fact, "The kind of girl you read about in new wave magazines."
And again, anytime I'm doing algebra on the board, someone should check me at home, so just have a quick look at that. Is that right?
Well we get a check for the cockroach on that one don't we?
I spotted an error here, I could have spotted it by running it on different test sets, and using prints things, another way of doing it, but this idea of at least simulating it on simple examples lets you check a couple of important questions.
On top of going online and watching television, you can check out the BBC.
I am not trying to run a cross-check on the admissions process.
It was very impactful to start a book that way because I doubt that hardly any readers actually write out a check on the spot to UNICEF; but if you don't, then you are in some sense responsible for the loss of 30 lives.
And this is the same periodic table that you're going to get in your exams, so it's good to practice doing your problem-sets with that periodic table so you're not relying on having the double check right there of seeing what the electron configuration is.
Nowadays, if you go to outer space, you can check for yourself that if you throw something out, it just goes on forever without your intervention.
Scratch The syntax actually looks reminiscent to Scratch, where you have a puzzle piece reminiscent of this shape, but you have to say "if" followed by a space, followed by in parenthesis, the Boolean expression that you want to check -- more on those in a moment.