This conversion from a mechanical energy into a chemical energy can be nicely visualized when one fills a hair cell with a sensitive die that responds to the calcium ions that influx into the cell.
Hess' Law states that for any chemical reaction, the energy change is path independent.
Energy means, you know, chemical reactions happen, and you end up with something that might be exothermic, that is, the products are more stable then the reactants.
This is visualizing the process of the conversion of mechanical energy into chemical and electrical energy very nicely.
So, in talking about covalent bonds, we should be able to still apply a more general definition of a chemical bond, which should tell us that the h 2 molecule is going to be lower in energy than if we looked at 2 separate hydrogen atom molecules.
I mentioned previously that we do not know a lot about how the mechanical stimulation is being converted into chemical and electrical energy.
So I said before when we were talking about single atoms, we always define the zero energy as when an electron was actually ejected, but now, when we talk about chemical reactions taking place, it's very, very rare that we're actually going to be talking about anything that gets to this point here.
So the point is, this balance between energy thatyou could think of as say bond energies in chemical reactions, and entropy that you can think of in terms of disorder, how many different possible combinations or configurations of something wrong, will dictate where the equilibrium lies.