Four times the number of pigs plus two times the number of chickens, assuming they're not next to a nuclear reactor, is 56.
You could say, I could have zero chickens and 20 pigs, does that work? I've got one chicken and nineteen pigs, does that work?
On the back of it, an iron bed and a chair and table were tied, and on top of them a crate of Barred Rock chickens."
And the question is, so how many pigs does he have, and how many chickens does he have? Wow. What a deep problem, right? But you're going to see why we're going to use this in a second. So you know how to solve this, this is a fifth-grade problem, right?
chickens OK, and then once I've got that, well, notice: I can then check to see, did I return that special symbol none?
And for sake of argument, there are no amputees among the chickens and the pigs.
System of linear equations. What are the equations here? Well, I could say, you know, the number of pigs plus the number of 20 chickens equals 20, right? Because we've got 20 heads. And then what else do I have?
I've got two chickens and eighteen pigs, you get the idea.
pigs chickens will be the second part.
is run a FOR loop here. I'm going to let the number of chickens be in this range.