Genetic scans for disease predictions, and we talked about one way you might do that using gene chips.
When you come home tonight, you see your friend once again sitting on the couch eating potato chips.
The discussion was over using things like poker chips for reinforcement and the point is exactly right.
We'll talk about artificial organs and we'll talk about systems biology or thinking about how to acquire information for things like gene chips and use that information to understand what's happening in a complex organism like you.
The way chips work is changing completely as we speak.
In this case people--bread, chips, and ham- they were estimating really large errors here.
And everyday when you come home from work your roommate is sitting on the couch eating potato chips.
Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings, fish and chips,
Interpret those neural signals with mathematic algorithms as one on custom-designed chips those of you who are very familiar with this technology, that fuels and all other things running here today.
And through this way behaviorists have developed token economies where they get nonhuman animals to do interesting things for seemingly arbitrary rewards like poker chips.
So for instance, institutions like mental institutions and some prisons have installed token economies where there's rewards for good behavior, often poker chips of a sort.
Since the connection with the poker chips is established through classical conditioning, sooner or later by that logic the poker chips would lose their power to serve as reinforcers.
So I'm going to call that chips implanted in the brain to control prosthetics, but I'm going to make it a little bit more general and call a brain-machine interface.