We talked about this reaction here where we had chloride ion in the gas phase plus sodium ion in the gas phase.
We started with gaseous sodium to make gaseous sodium ion and gaseous atomic chlorine to make gaseous chloride ion through electron transfer.
So now, let's get a sodium here, and the chloride ion next to it to the point where they are touching.
And, we're going to look at what happens as the chloride ion moves from infinity in towards the positive ion.
So, this is the chloride ion. It's over here.
So, for example, in an electrochemical cell, it would be possible to take the sodium ion, give back its electron, and convert it into a metallic sodium, take the chloride ion, remove its electron, and restore chlorine gas.
So, for example, if I have a sodium ion over here, and I have a chloride ion over here, where the distance from center to center r I'm denoting as r, this is nucleus to nucleus separation.