You choose to do things and by dint of your choices, some choices become more learned than others.
You have to pick and choose what you do according to some funds that you have.
Is it meaningful to choose to do the good when you have no choice to do otherwise or aren't aware that you have a choice to do otherwise?
As completely as was possible and is necessary, would you choose to do it?
Why don't you write down a second on the corner of your notepad what it is you're going to choose to do with my T.A.'s watching so we can't cheat.
By the way, when we turn in concept sheets each week you'll have the option of turning them in either on Monday or on the Wednesday of that week, whenever you choose to do it is fine.
- And it's worth--; it's sort of a useful test for asking yourself -- what are the things you must value in life-- to ask, what would you choose to do if you knew you had five years, ten years, ? what have you?
However, the question is, how do I choose to behave, to act as a result of it?
PROFESSOR: Great question. So the question is, how do you choose an algorithm, why would I choose to use a pseudo-polynomial algorithm when I don't know how big the solution is likely to be, I think that's one way to think about it.
Why do they choose to be public?
That's how he often writes about human behavior, that we obey the same laws of physical attraction as do any other bodies that we might choose to describe. They describe how bodies in motion always and necessarily behave, these laws of nature.
But then you can choose, but most do, do still continue to live in dorms.
And two, even if that was the case I'd do better to myself choose Alpha.
okay I chose Middle because I believed that the other guy was going to choose Right and Middle was the best thing for me to do against Right."
Bourne Ultimatum; and David where do you choose to go?
There's a more general lesson here, and the more general lesson is, of course: do not choose a strategy that is never a best response to anything you could believe.
If I want to try and decide how to tackle a problem in an iterative matter, here the steps I'm going to go through. First thing I'm going to do, is I'm going to choose a variable that's going to count.
So, there's a wonderful thirteenth-century commentator that says that God needed creatures who could choose to obey him, And therefore it was important for Adam and Eve to do what they did And to learn that they had the choice not to obey God so that their choice for God would become endowed with meaning.
Think of that, that where the law is silent, we have the freedom to do or not to do as we choose, very important to the way we think of liberty today in a modern and you might say liberal democracy.
Similarly, for Player II, the lowest Player I could ever do, is choose 0, in which case Player II would want to choose 1, so the strategies below 1 are never a best response for Player II.