One copy of the chromosome comes from the egg and one copy of each chromosome comes from the sperm, so this you know about.
You're not fishing through a whole chromosome in order to find what you want, but you're going to a cell that's already enriched in it.
This one cell, this one fertilized cell which is unique because it's the - its chromosome contains the combination of the sperm and the egg, develops into an embryo and then on birth develops into a human.
They, in some cases, they integrate their DNA into the host chromosome, that's what retroviruses do and they make viral proteins.
If I cut up just DNA from the chromosome, what's called genomic DNA, then I'm going to have both exons and introns within the fragments that I create.
A section of DNA that is responsible for encoding a gene, let's say it's the insulin gene for example, might be some stretch of DNA on a certain chromosome inside your cells, inside the cells of the pancreas.